Unity firebase sdk
Unity firebase sdk

unity firebase sdk

This means that the mechanism by which AndroidX and Jetifier are integrated no longer functions as well as the mechanism by which the information in google-services.json is transmitted to your final Android game. These continue to work to simplify integration back to Unity version 5, but in Unity 2020.1 the engine overhauled its build system invalidating our previous assumptions. Because of this, we have written a number of tools and custom routines that make strong assumptions about Unity’s build process. It also requires some build time operations for all of its products to function properly. The Firebase SDK for Unity includes native C++ code and Android specific logic. For those of you that are on Unity 2020.1, the rest of this post details the workarounds needed to get things up and running. Until then, we recommend that you continue to use Unity 2019 for the best developer experience. Our team is aware of this, and is working hard to rectify the situation. Recent changes in the build system accompanying Unity 2020.1 have caused some of the integrations that the Firebase games team built for Unity to stop functioning correctly. I am aware of the recent Firebase SDK for Unity, but the examples show use cases for Android and IOS builds from Unity, whereas I would need to build to Windows for use with the Oculus Rift.Firebase is committed to building an easy to use and robust backend service for Unity developers. I am building a Unity VR experience for Oculus Rift that needs to use this user content dynamically during runtime, but I am not sure the best way to connect Unity with Firebase. The other half would be the Windows Oculus Rift app.

unity firebase sdk

There would be two apps, one that a user would login to and upload content: I am working with someone that can build an Android app that allows for a user to login with Google, Facebook, etc and upload content (images, messages, etc) to their profile using Firebase.

unity firebase sdk

I have been trying to figure out the best way to implement dynamic photos and voice notes into my Unit圓d app, and am looking for guidance about the correct backend/database to use.

Unity firebase sdk